CompTIA A+ Certification


Want to test your current knowledge? Click now to start your Free Trial in just a few simple steps.

Note: To achieve CompTIA A+ certification status, you must pass both the Core 1 and Core 2 exams.

CompTIA A+ Certification


Want to test your current knowledge? Click now to start your Free Trial in just a few simple steps.

Note: To achieve CompTIA A+ certification status, you must pass both the Core 1 and Core 2 exams.

Want to test your knowledge?

Take our FREE trial exam!

We have a FREE trial exam with a small batch of our practice exam questions. It is a great way to measure your current knowledge. This can be useful when deciding how much exam prep assistance you will need.

Our FREE trial will also give you a chance to experience our simulated testing platform, complete with exam objective breakdowns and score summaries.

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All of our content will align with the 5 CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) exam domains

Get ready with fun and simple online practice tests that mirror the real experience. Certification Cynergy has the most up to date practice tests for the CompTIA A+ exam.

Prerequisites: CompTIA ITF+ or equivalent knowledge

Corequisites: To achieve CompTIA A+ certification status, you must pass both the Core 1 and Core 2 exams

Questions: 90

Time Limit: 90 Minutes


Mobile Devices






Virtualization and Cloud Computing


Hardware and Network Troubleshooting

Great teachers! Able to make difficult topics more engaging and understandable.

Jay S Testimonial

Hands down some of the best teachers I’ve ever had. Breaking down difficult subjects and making them relatable has made all the difference for me. I still had to put in a lot of work, but Certification Cynergy has been there to help every step of the way. Thank you So Much!

Josh B

Thanks to the great teachings and hard work of my professors, I have achieved my goal of being certified in CompTIA ITF+, A+, Network+, Security+ and Linux+.

I went from having little background experience and no certifications to getting CompTIA ITF+, A+, Network+, and Security+ certified in a just few months.

Awesome instructors! Helped and guided me to understand the fundamentals of IT and launched me towards a successful career. I would take these courses again any day and time.

Mark L

Certification Cynergy has outstanding instructors. Always made things simple and easy to understand and assisted me with anything I needed help with.

I am 13 years old and certified in the following: CompTIA ITF+, A+, Network+, Security+, CYSA+, AWS Cloud Practitioner, Cisco CCNA, and LPI Linux Essentials. Thank you to the trainers at Certification Cynergy for teaching IT to our homeschool group.

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