CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) Certification

Get 12 month access with each product. Certification Cynergy has products for every step of your journey towards passing the CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) certification exam.
Want to test your knowledge?
Take our FREE trial exam!
We have a FREE trial exam with a small batch of our practice exam questions. It is a great way to measure your current knowledge. This can be useful when deciding how much exam prep assistance you will need.
Our FREE trial will also give you a chance to experience our simulated testing platform, complete with exam objective breakdowns and score summaries.
All of our content will align with the 4 CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) exam domains
Each Certification is geared towards specific learning objectives. The exam objectives are organized into exam domains and outlined by the specific certification vendor so you can know exactly what you will need to learn.
Prerequisites: CompTIA ITF+ or equivalent knowledge
Questions: 90
Time Limit: 90 Minutes
Project Management Concepts
Project Life Cycle Phases
Tools and Documentation
Basics of IT and Governance
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